Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The party that wasn't

So...I'm pretty much officially freaking out at this point. Yeah, like I wasn't freaking out before but seriously now, I'm about one more NO RSVP from putting an ad on craigslist.

All the sites say that if you are doing a destination wedding, that about 50% of people will show up. And I was fine with that. So when I invited 80 people, I expected, at least 40.

The last count this morning was a paltry 27, with Chris and I included. I know that its not the number of people, its the quality of people but still. 80 people and only 27 are coming. And I'm happy the people that are coming, are. My aunts are flying from the east coast, my mom's cousin, even Jen paid $400 for a ticket so that she could come.

I didn't want anything too huge. I was thinking 50 people. That seems like a nice number. And its not about the presents. Its about the fact that Chris and I are dropping over 10K on a huge party that only two dozen people are showing up to.

We're really trying to get more people to come. Asked his sister if she has any friends in LA, her boyfriend, my cousin who lives in SD. Like I said, I'm about ready to put an ad on craigslist. "FREE HAWAIIAN BBQ DINNER AND KARAOKE! PARTY STARTS AT 5PM!"

Would that be going too far? At this point, I don't think so. Like I said, I'm not interested in gifts, I'm interested in bodies. (wow, that seems so wrong)

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