Monday, June 16, 2008


I have been neglecting my blog and I know it. This was suppose to chronical every thing that I was doing for this wedding as I did it. You know, do something, come home, blog about it. But I am finding that as I started to get things done, the last thing I wanted to do was write about it. I would get home just exhausted whether it was ordering invitations or doing registries or dealing with bridesmaids dresses. I just didn't want to talk about it anymore.

But I am going to try to be more deligent. Today was a really productive day. I sent an email off to the lady that is doing our invites and gave her a gentle prod about it. If she doesn't respond by Wednesday, I am having Chris give her a call. He is my little pit bull when it comes to phone calls.

I also emailed Erin, our wedding coordinator, because Fred hasn't gotten back to me about menu and pricing. That is making me more than a little nervous. We sort of need to know how much this is going to cost us. We have budgeted 10K and already spent about 3K in terms of deposits/my dress/etc.

I made my appointment for my alterations in August. The woman told me five weeks to a month so I made my appointment for six weeks in advance, just to be safe. I am kind of excited. I have found my shoes too. I originally bought shoes at David's Bridal but since this is a beach wedding, I changed my mind. I am going to get
these lovelies (my HTML was borked). I am excited about it.

I promise, another entry tomorrow.

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