Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, today was a very busy day. Chris and I managed to address and put postage on about 60 invitations. And that is just the start. I am missing a lot of addresses still, people I've lost contact with or who haven't answered emails about their latest known whereabouts. We will probably have close to 80 to send out when all is sad and done. That leaves 20 for keepsakes. I know that for sure I want to go get our invitation framed. I've seen it done before and I think it is really pretty. Maybe with the bride's bouquet and a buttonaire as well.

The invitations themselves turned out very nice. I will scan and put a picture up later for all those that want to see them. We ended up skipping the do your own invitations after getting a gift certificate for $100 towards the purchase of invitations through the Kiwanis Auction. The woman who did was very nice. Very grandmotherly. You could tell that she really did love being a part of someone's special day. All told, the invitations were about $250 after taking that $100 off.

My only issue with invitations is the wastefulness of it all. You've got the outer envelope, the liner envelope, the invitation, the tissue paper, the RSVP card, the RSVP envelope, the registry card, and a little card telling people to go to our website for airports and accomodations. And the thing is, I know most people are going to toss the RVSP card and envelope and just do it online. So I wasted not only paper but postage as well. It starts to seriously add up.

But it is done and tomorrow, they will be in the mail! Now I just have to sit back and wait for those RSVPs (as if it was that easy!)

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